Constitution and By-laws  of the  Palos Radio Control Flying Club 

Chartered Club #263 of the 

Academy of Model Aeronautics

(A Not-for-Profit Corporation)

A division of the National Aeronautic Association, the Governing Body for Model Aviation in the United States and the U.S. Aeromodeling Representative for the Federation Aeronautics International. 



The name of this club shall be the Palos Radio Control Flying Club, hereinafter referred to as the Club. Its colors shall be black and yellow.


Section 1. The objectives of this Club shall be to promote model building and flying in the Chicagoland area and to aid in so far as possible the national program of the Academy of Model Aeronautics, hereinafter referred to as the AMA, and other AMA activities, looking toward the continual advancement of model aviation in all its phases in the United States.

Section 2. All special or local enterprises of the Club shall conform to the policies of the AMA and to the regulations of that organization governing model airplane contests.


Section 1. All persons shall be eligible to membership in the Club. Membership will be one of two classes: Regular or Associate.

Regular member are those who fly R/C model aircraft. Regular members must also be individual members of the AMA. Associate members are those who are not individual members of the AMA. Associate members will enjoy all privileges of the Club membership but MUST NOT FLY since they are not members of the AMA and do not have appropriate insurance coverage.

It is the individual's responsibility while enrolled as a Regular member to obtain and maintain AMA membership. In the absence of individual AMA membership, the individual's Club membership will automatically revert to Associate status.

Any Regular member who violates any rule or regulation promulgated by the AMA shall be immediately, without notice, suspended from membership in the Club. Such member shall be reinstated only upon request of such former member and a subsequent finding by the Board of Directors that such reinstatement is in the best interest of the Club.

Section 2. Members in arrears of dues for two (2) consecutive months will be notified. After three (3) consecutive months of non-payment of dues the member shall be dropped from the club.

Section 3. Any former member may be reinstated into the Club by payment of one (1) years currents dues. The initiation fee is not required.

Section 4.During the time of office only, all elected Officers, Board Members, and past President shall pay no dues.

Section 5. Termination of a membership requires first a two-thirds majority vote of the Board members, then the majority vote of the membership at a regular meeting. Any paid-up dues will then be refunded.



Section 1. Officers.

The Officers of the Club shall be elected annually by the members, except for the Vice President and remaining board members, who shall be appointed to their positions by the President. The following constitute the officers of the Club and any special qualifications required of a member elected to that position:

A. President - Must have been a member in good standing for three (3) years or more (elected)

B. Vice President - (appointed by the President)

C. Corresponding Secretary (elected)

D. Recording Secretary (elected)

E. Treasurer (elected)

F. Property Manager (appointed)

G. Club Editor (appointed)

H. Webmaster (appointed)

I. Safety / Public Relations Officer (appointed)

J. Senior Flight Instructor (appointed)

F. Past President

Section 2. Board of Directors.

The affairs of the Club shall be managed by a Board of Directors. All members of the Board shall be Regular members of the Club. There shall be eleven (11) members of the Board and they shall serve for a term of one (1) year commencing upon the date of the annual election of Club officers. Each of the officers set forth in Section 1 shall be a member of the Board. Additional members of the Board shall be appointed by the President. Meetings of the Board may be called by the President or by any two other members of the Board. Notice of meetings shall be in writing and shall be delivered not less than three (3) nor more than thirty (30) days prior to the meeting. Attendance of a director at a meeting shall constitute waiver of notice. The Board of Directors shall meet at least once each year.


A. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Club and shall act as spokesman for the club in all matters pertaining to it. The President shall appoint all non-elective Board Members.

B. The Vice President shall act for the President when he is unable to serve, and carry the President's vote by proxy.

C. The Corresponding Secretary shall handle all correspondence pertaining to the Club business including the Club's publications (rosters, field rules, copies, etc.). He shall receive operating expenses including the cost of monthly meeting notices.

D. The Recording Secretary shall keep the minutes and the attendance roll of all meetings.

E. The Treasurer shall collect and keep a record of all moneys due, received and disbursed. He shall procure a checking account in the Club's name, using his own and an additonal board member's signature.

F. The Property Manager shall be responsible for the Inventory, Maintenance and Location of Club Equipment.

G. The Club Editor shall construct and publish the monthly Club Newsletter.

H. The Webmaster shall manage and maintain the Club Website, and any other electronic publishing as necessary.

I. The Chief Flight Instructor shall direct and maintain a flight instruction program for new pilots of the club.

J. The Public Relations Officer shall represent the Club in any and all news and media events.

K. The Past President shall act as an advisor to the board.

L. The Board shall act on all matters of general policy.


Section 1. All officers of the Club shall serve for one year from date of election.

Section 2. The election of officers with the exception of Vice President shall be held annually at the November meeting. Nominations shall be made by the Board at the October meeting at which time floor nominations may also be made. Voting will take place at the November meeting through a Ballot process.


Vacancy in any office except President and Vice President shall be filled by appointment by the Board, such appointee to serve until the end of the term for which his predecessor was elected. Vacancy in the office of President will be filled by the Vice President and he shall appoint a new Vice President. In the event the President and Vice President both vacate at the same time, the Board will appoint a new President only. The new President will then appoint his Vice President.


Regular meetings shall be held on the first Wednesday of each month with the exceptions of January and July, whereas if due to the holiday, the meeting shall be on the second Wednesday. Monthly notice of regular meetings shall be given to Club members by E-mail (postal mail for members without internet access). Failure of notification of any meeting shall not nullify any voting of election procedures conducted at any such meeting where a quorum is in attendance.

Special meetings of the Club shall be at any convenient time upon call by the President or upon call signed by any three members of the Board or upon call signed by any ten members of the Club, provided that any such call shall name the time and place of such meeting and shall be issued at least three days in advance of the date set.


Section 1. All regular business affairs and enterprises conducted by the Club shall be directed by the Board except that at any time the President or Board may call a meeting of the membership to decide on any problem or business activity.

Section 2. At any Club meeting a quorum shall be 20% members and three officers. At any Board meeting a quorum shall be 60% of the Boards' personnel.


Section 1. The annual membership dues to this Club shall be fifty dollars ($50.00) per year payable at the November meeting; ten dollars ($10.00) per year for Junior members (under age 19 as of 01/01). Senior citizens (age 62 as of 01/01) dues shall be thirty-five dollars ($35.00). Family plan (children less than 19 at same household as adult paying member) shall be sixty five dollars ($65.00). All new members will pay an initiation fee of twenty five dollars ($25.00). The Board of Directors may, by majority vote, amend the annual membership dues of the Club at any time. New members who join on or after 09/01 of any year and who have paid fees per the preceding shall be considered paid members for the following calendar year. (Amendment #4)

Section 2. No special assessment shall be levied upon Club members except by majority vote of those members present at an official meeting, provided, however, that prior notice of such a vote must be published in the edition of the "Crash Chronicle" newsletter immediately preceding such meeting.


The Treasurer is authorized to receive contributions or specially obtained funds from any individual or institution to be applied to the operating expenses of the Club.


The standing committees of the Club shall be appointed by the President to serve throughout the term of his tenure of office and their duties shall be indicated by the names of the committees as follows (examples): Field and Contest Committee; Prizes and Awards Committee: and Flight Instruction Committee. Additional special committees as required may be named from time to time by the President.


Amendments may be made to this Constitution and these By-Laws by majority vote of those members present at an official meeting, provided, however, that prior notice of proposed changes are published in the edition of the "Crash Chronicle" newsletter immediately preceding such meeting.

Amendment #1 -- Voted by Board of Directors August 6, 2003. Raising of dues, adult to reflect $40.00 previous $30.00, and senior to reflect $25.00 previous $15.00.

Amendment #2 -- Voted by Membership meeting June 1, 2005. Amending the constitution to reflect current structure of the board members and their duties and responsibilities.

Amendment #3 -- Voted by Board of Directors January 25, 2006. Raising the initiation fee to $25.00 previous $20.00.

Amendment #4 -- Voted by Board of Directors July 29, 2009. Raising of Dues, Adult to reflect $50.00 previous $40.00, - Senior to reflect $35.00 previous $25.00.- Family Plan to reflect $65.00 previous $55.00. Junior to stay at S10.00. Initiation fee to stay at $25.00.

Palos R/C Flying Club
P. O. Box 24
Willow Springs, IL 60480

Rev. date--October 1, 2009